Understand. I will not here tell you for whom to vote on Nov. 4th. But I will write about the candidate who seems at times to want desperately to return to the White House, one Donald J. Trump.
Trump is, for one, the person you see and read about so much. He looks to be very successful, and he is. He dresses nicely. He has a resonant voice, though it’s not always easy to comprehend. In other words, he is the person we see.
To a Texan like myself, Trump comes across as a fairly typical New Yorker; lots of flash, a huge ego, and one who never stops wanting people to love him. (It’s almost as though he has felt unloved most of his life.)
I think we, the voting public, should give Trump what he most wants from us, which is adoration. He wats us to admire him, to want to be like him and most of all, he wants us to love him for who he is/
I do. I understand that DJT is who he is; and at his age and place in life, there is very little, if anything he can do to be different, even if he wanted to be.
Point of fact, I find it somewhat easier to accept Trump for who he is than to accept Bill Clinton for who he is. (Trump is, Clinton pretends).
So, if its authenticity we most want in the White House, Donald J Trump, the least we can do is accept him for that. Again, he is who he is.
I doesn’t matter at all if I, or you the reader, or anyone else wish that DJT were different, like wiser and more knowledgeable about the Constitution and the values of Americas’ Democracy. As we often say down South, ”It ain’t gonna happen!”
With that uppermost in mind, perhaps we who call ourselves the real Christians, meaning people who really understand the Christian faith, the upcoming presidential election is a test of our faith more than it is anything else.
And that is the really good news for the former president; it is WE who will decide if he will be again. We will make the decision. And for real Christians among us, it could go either way.