A few days ago I raised the question within myself of whether there is a correlation between the physical fitness of coaches, particularly of the head coach, and the success of their teams in Texas high school football competition.
My first thoughts along this line were of the successful coaches I have known who headed up the teams in my hometown, Refugio . Everyone of them was in very fine physical chape when they were coaching: Sandy Germer, Paul Gips, Dave McCoy, Teddy Gray, Bobby Kelley and last, but far from least, Jason Herring.
Then I turned to other successful coaches, beginning with the legendary Gordon Wood. I was unable to fine good photos of Wood but it does appear that he was in fine shape when he played for Hardin Simmons and when he began winning the first of his 395 total wins. True, Wood may have put on a few pounds in his mature years---who among us has not?—but he had the leadership abilities to overcome any limitations his extra weight may have imposed on his coaching.
Next, I turned to other head coaches I know to hae been successful in Texas High Shooll football;
Kerry Therwhanger, who only recently retired at TimpsOn, where he thrived and before that, in Loveday where he also had fine teams. Therwhanger was once once described as a ‘skinny” national champion long jumper at Angelo Stte, prior to his becoming a coach. Just that simple descriptions tells us a lot, that he didn’t like any extra fat, a liking that had to carry over into his profession.
Mitch Ables of Hawley appears to be in even better shape, but for verification os his interest in fitness we need only ook to his son, sophomore Camden Ables, a TE WR on the Camden is 6’4” carrying about 215 lbs.sophomore on the 2024 Hawley team.
At this point, let me admit my prejudice regarding the question with which we began. I have long been convinced of the correlation. And my first advice to any high school coach seeking to build or rebuild a winning tradition is: if you’r enot, move quickly to get in shape. And let your players know what you’re doing. They will admire you, and follow your example.
As for me and my house, I just turned away a cheeseburger and instead, requested a bowl of raisin bran cereal, which, if not available, bring me the cheeseburger anyway, I say. But I am not a coach, just an observer, and an advisor.
