The Bobcats will have a new head football coach , Lane Shands, who was promoted to the position in March of this year when his predecessor Brandon Craus moved to Splendora.
But Shands (phot9) knows how to win. At previous stops before moving to Bloomington in 2022, he was in Ganado, and before that in Woodville. So, he has had experience in strong programs.
In addition, Shands was an all-state performer for Grady High School (Lenorh)and he was a wide receiver for Howard Payne (photo).
Shands will have a young team to work with, meaning he knows the playsers and they know him quite well. One of the key member for 2024 will no doubt be lineman Bryan Tinajero (photo), who has the size and experience needed.
One outcome for The Bobcats in 2024 is certain. When it’s over, they will have been tested by Flatonia and Ganado plus others in what may well be the the strongest 2AD! distric in the state.
The Bobcats open 2024 on August 30th at Woodsboro.