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Can a Coach "Care" Too Much?

If “loving the kids” can translate into a championship football team, Blooming Groves’ new head Coach Jason Burnett holds that key willingly.  He returns to Blooming grove after a four-year stint as an offensive line coach for Corsicana.  Burnett has almost 25 years of experience coaching Texas high school football.  He replaces retiring Jeremy Gantt who was the Lions head coach for two seasons.

The Lions play in District 8 of 3AD2.  The district includes Inspired Vision, Gateway Charter, Rice, and Scurry-Rosser, against whom they close out the regular season, at home, where it all began.


With lineman Grayson Baumgartner returning, the Lions are expected to

be especially strong on defense/


The Lions start the season on August30th at home against Palmer.

The Lions play in District 8 of 3AD2. The district includes Inspired Vision, Gateway Charter, Rice and Scurry Rosser.


The Lions start the season on August30th at home against Palmer. and close the regular season against Scurry-Rosser, also at home.

PB believes caring does win games but it must include one's being a strong example and in great condition physically.

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